When we returned to the hotel we did some laundry, and began to shower and get dressed up for spectating the bowlers.
The night before the kids were coughing in the pool area, the chemicals were a bit strong, so we decided to take a day off.
The kids did really well, I warned them how boring it was going to be for them so they were prepared. Reece and Brock brought game boys, Zeb had his inflatable blimp.
We went to the lanes and waited for Duner and his team to appear. Once they got set up and bowling we went for a walk. The kids had been sitting for 2 hrs by then and we slowly went out to the car to look for Reece's glasses. That morning he had bent them some how, so I told them if the are not on his face they need to be in the case. He was afraid that he left them on the floor somewhere in the bowling center. Thankfully they were in the car.
We grabbed some nachos and hot dogs and went back and waited. We only had 90 minutes to wait. Yay!
Duner didn't do great, but he recovered in the 3rd game.
After the bowling we headed out to a nostalgic diner called Route 66 diner. I wish I bought the camera, all of the wait staff had vintage dresses and they played oldies overhead, i
On our way back to the hotel we stopped at Hinkle fun Center. The kids got to ride the go karts and play laser ta
I managed a few pic's of the kids getting into the go carts but I wasn't able to get any of them riding in them, they all just turned out blurry.
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