The kids have been counting the days all week long!! They are getting so excited about the trip.
Zeb, in particular, has had a very hard time decided what to pack.
Hmmmm. Should it be the lego creation or the giant Lighting McQueen car? Should he bring black shorts or the pants that can be shorts (with one half of the leg mysterious gone) ? Or maybe, any mix of 4 different stuffed animals. I am hoping to end up without a lego creation, giant car, black shorts, pants with half a leg and 2 less stuffed animals.
Reece has been singing songs all week about how long or where we are going. But, we had to spend about an hour yesterday trying to get him to calm down after Grandma told him about some of the dangerous animals that live out in New Mexico. NOT something you need to tell a kid that can't even watch sci-fi network without begining to worry some freaky creature is going to kill him.
Brock has been fighting a bit of congestion and a runny nose. He says he is faithfully taking his singular and vitamins. At least for the first time ever his is blowing his nose A LOT trying to get rid of this little bug he has. Since his birthday in on Monday (Yikes, I will be the owner of a brand new TEENAGER!) He has planned that day down to the beverages we will have at his special birthday meal.
When I was clearing out the fridge I noticed we have a brand new gallon of milk that I bought earlier in the week needs to get used up.
I can't wait to get into our hotel and sleep tomorrow night. I put in almost 30 hours at the Y and my usual clinic 60 hrs (in the last 2 weeks), so I am very much looking forward to none of that. My head hurts from all of the thinking. I don't even have an agenda for our trip. We are just going to see where it takes us.
Tomorrow, it will be donuts with milk for breakfast. Dump the dogs at the kennel. Then we head out about noon....
And so it begins....
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