As we walked out of the Y he quietly dug in his pocket and pulled out 2 cars. He said "I got prizes today at the Y." Hmmm.
"No you didn't!" I said, knowing exactly what happened. "You stole those. I will be returning them!" I really wanted to grab him and march him back inside, but I didn't have the time. The rest of the walk to the car was me venting to him about how bad that was and how equally bad it is to lie.
Basically I went off on him. So I really drilled home my point when I went to Mc D's drive thru and got a happy meal for ME and got a girl toy so he wouldn't be interested in it. We had easy Mac waiting for him at home.
I like to buy Happy meal's because they are generally more the right size for meal, and cheaper than buying them off the menu.
As we got home Zeb had another car in his hand. I was still a bit ticked about the others and I took that one and said I would be returning that one as well.
Then he got mad and said "But that one is mine!"
"When you do bad things you sometimes need to pay them back, so we better give them this one too!" I replied. He ran inside. Specifically into his room.
I changed my clothes, talked to the boys about what I expected from them while I was at work, and left for the other job.
Shortly after I got to work I received a call from Reece.
We had been working most of the weekend on a 1000 piece puzzle, which we finished Sunday night. (side

So Reece asked if the puzzle was all put together when I left.
I said "Yeah, why?".
He replied, "Because 3 pieces are missing and Zeb won't tell me where they are".
The pieces quickly found their way back to the puzzle after I explained to Zebbie that behavior like that will put him on the fast track donating ALL OF THE CARS he has to the YMCA.
P.S. Hey Sara, Tell J the book is on it's way, I squeezed that in before work.
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