Friday I was crabby and not really liking the fact that I was working and the rest of the family was home. I know the are not cleaning the house, or even trying to maintain a level of clean. I picked up extra hours and had some extra work time this week. I was tired. It doesn't help that it was quiet, and that makes my mind just think about what I COULD be doing if I was home.
So I had to run to the bank for work and Reece calls my cell phone. He tells me that he bought some things down at the rummage sale down the street. He wanted to see if he could have some more money. Thinking it was more toys, I said "Reece, We have enough junk of our own. We do not need anymore."
What I should have said was, Maybe if your brothers would help out more around the house we could do that. Reece is my cleaner. If anything gets picked up usually it is because he did it. I REALLY like that about him.
So when I am finished with work, I call home and ask if the house is picked up. Brock goes into this LOOOONNNNGGG explanation about why it is not done... reaching my boiling point I loudly explain it better be DONE by the time I get home.
It takes my 7 minutes (give or take) to get home.
It was clean. (probably in 7 minutes time)
I go in my room to change and I have this note and gift on my bed.
It says:
to mom
from Reece
yours but im not sure eneymore
it is not Junk
and you hurt
my feelings
^glup^.... opps.... sniff. sniff... (cue the sappy music now)
I went directly to the room he had locked himself into, and gave him a big hug and told him what an idiot I was and how happy he is going to make a girl some day, and I will be very mad.
I also told him NEVER stop doing things like that... It was awesome.
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