It began with some melon that Grandma brought over Friday night. Zeb had fun eating it with Spike.
This picture was actually taken at the end of the movie, since we arrived a bit late.
Great movie by the way! Too bad Brock didn't want to see it... It was pretty cool~ I think he would have liked it.
The next day I worked at the Y, but then we drove up to the cabin to drop off some things and grab the CORDED drill that we left up there. I do like cordless tools but when the batteries fail, ol' faithful is nice to have on hand.
They did still
Zeb found the BB gun, after I told him to put it away he dropped a BB and was trying to find in amid the many Asian beetles that had made there way in the cabin over the winter. He accidentally picked a live one up and FREAKed out, he had to go a different way around the couch to put the gun away.
He was the only one that went up there with me, but he was so tired from that ride he fell a sleep and didn't wake up until an hour later I dragged his HEAVY body in the house. That kid is no longer a light weight! More like a DEAD weight. But he went right back to sleep. Last time he was awake was 8pm, when he told me he was tired. He was not kidding! It is now almost 10pm and I think he is out for the night... Fresh air was very missed!
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