Sunday, April 20, 2008

Tonight in the Land of Boys

I have been trying to get Zeb to pick up his room all weekend. Finally I have put my foot down and make him clean since 4pm. After he tried to sneak out of his room, I was summoned by the brothers that he was escaping, as I was watering some flowers outside.

I said "Zeb if you don't get back into your room and get cleaning by the count of 3, I am going to bring you outside and hose you down".

He said "What hose?"

"The one I have in my hand" I said as peeked in the house and held it up.

"I like hoses" he says.

So we begin to go get him and he begs "Just let me go get my swimsuit on before you hose me down!"

Hmmm. I don't think we are getting thru to him....

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