Ok. Let me explain quickly how I signed up for Urban Active. (aka...my gym)
I called before I left to see if they had any specials or visitors passes that I could get off the internet. I guess I didn't just check my self because I am lazy, of course.
So the girl I talked to said NO, and the visitor pays $15 a day to use the facility. Since I was still a member at the YMCA, I didn't want to join. I just wanted to use the indoor track to run my 11 miles since it was cold out that day.
When I arrived I paid my fee, and felt a cold reception from the girl at the front desk. It may have been just me. Not sure.
I REALLY liked the gym (and still do), so on my way out I wanted to quickly ask how much a membership was. My lack of love for the girl at the front desk wasn't lightened when she tried to sign me up with a sales person. I grumbled something about how I just ran 11 miles, I am in no mood to listen to a sales person right now.
Yep. My Mother came out in me. I felt bad for her. She took her job seriously and tried to do what she was instructed but I just wanted to know a price breakdown, not a 'sales pitch'.
Imagine my frustration 2 days later when I went on the website to check it out and found out I WAS able to print of a pass valid for 2 free days!!
So, when I signed up (the very next Wednesday) I asked if I could get my money back from Saturday, of course not.
Well, then every time I saw her, sadly, I remembered the 'sales pitch' and lack of knowledge of the free passes she told me about (I could recognize her tone of voice) I wasn't mean. I just didn't smile as I passed her. Or kind of ignored her.
SOOOOOO, (I KNOW, get on with the story)... guess who my new trainer is?
I will give you 2 guess's but I don't think you will need them.
Yep. But she is GOOOOOOD. And still takes her job seriously.
So far.
1 comment:
You don't want your best friend, you want someone who is a stickler for the details. Get ready for a bumpy ride, sister!
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