Since the title of this blog is 'Life with Kids'... it is only fair I write about them from time to time, right?
So, Friday, we were out to eat at one of our favorite places called Beef O'Brady's. We like to call it BOB's f

or short. The kids really like it, not exactly sure why, it's kinda like Buffalo Wild Wings, but smaller. Anyway. While we were there, I was telling the kids I wanted THEM to write a segment on this blog about 'A day in the life of ...INSERT YOUR NAME HERE. Reece quickly said "No." He continued "Two reasons, first, because it would credit you and second, I don't want to." He is a GREAT writer, I will have to work on getting him to do it...
Such a brat, I tell ya!
Anyone need an extra 13 year old?
Fine. First we will start off with Brock, the oldest. Brock turns 16 on Thursday.
Yes. That means he will be taking a written test to allow him a learners permit, to drive, with Parents. Um, that will not me be. I know better, I WILL FREAK OUT. I am not ready for him to drive. Yikes! He has a 100 page document to read up on before we are allowing him to take it. But since he is only on page 20 something, we have time.
When I think back about myself at that age and what I did, how 'grown up' I thought I was, it REALLY makes me grateful that I have such geeky kids.
Brock LOVES science and can easily drift me off to sleep with a tale of neutrons and protons or some sci-fy flick.
He is taller than me (and Duner, I think) and has bigger feet than me. Heck, he has bigger feet than Duner.
For the most part he is very passive.
He has a dresser, but prefers to pile his clothes on the side of the bed he doesn't use. It doesn't bother him that they sit there, for weeks at a time. *sigh* Until, I finally get sick of seeing them. He is currently filling a suitcase with papers he no longer needs from school just to see how many he ends up with by the end of the year.He sleeps with a fan 12 inches from his head on one side and his alarm clock on the other. Yes, he can sti
ll ignore the alarm that close to his ears. I have had to get up and turn it off!
The other day it woke me up, I had to turn it off, then left the light on. I said nothing just went down stairs to read like I normally do. When he came down he said "Did you turn on my light?"."Yes" I said."Don't do that."he said.Um,Ok. (?) Kinda hard to turn off the alarm for me without it.??
He is currently gearing his school classes to become a pharmacist or Bio-med Engineer. He is leaning towards pharmacist. He dreads the requirement of a foreign language for college but is going to be a Junior ,gulp, next year and needs to get it done.
His school is offering college 'gen ed' college classes at a steep discount thru NKU (Northern Kentucky Univ
ersity. He doesn't quite make the ACT score yet, though, to be able to take them yet. He took too long on the test and left many questions blank.
He had a IEP (Individualized Education Plan) in Wisconsin and was probably using that as a crutch to get easy assignments and extra help with classes. Not here. They said he tested just fine and put him in with the rest of the fishes.
Now, he is still getting good grades. (Better than mine were, but don't tell him that!) And one of his teachers called him the 'KING OF EXCUSES' last year. LOL.. she was SO RIGHT ON!!
I have been dragging him to volunteer at a local thrift store once a month, to remind him how nice he has it. It is a bit of a challenge for him since he has a fear of bed bugs and germs. He only eats finger foods by bending his fingers and using his knuckles. (less germs?) He must inspect his plates,cups and silverware to make sure they are clean to his specifications before he can use them (after they have been thru the dishwasher, of course)... Only coffee mugs he doesn't check since the heat of the beverage will kill all germs, he says.
Yep. He is a strange one, but I love him to pieces and wouldn't want him to change a thing. He is too much fun just the way he is... even though he is awkward, shy and so scientific... But boy, he is a cutie! (of course)
1 comment:
I cannot believe he's 16. Expect something in the mail soon. : )
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