Saturday we booked it full. In the morning we had Z's first soccer game! He did great. It was cold. (in the 40's) so we watched from a perfect spot in the heat of our sun baked car. (ha.ha.) About halfway thru the game the coaches wife came running up to my car. Turns out they were getting worrie
d about a boy that had been hit in the nose by another players head. He had a nose bleed that didn't seem to want to stop. My darling Z, told her "I think my Mom is a nurse." (um, not really. I was a CNA and worked at a family practice office for 8 years) I tried to explain to her that I don't even work with patients anymore, but I will do what I can.

Well, what need to be done was for Grandma to go away and stop getting Mom all worked up. The bleeding had already started to stop by the time I had walked up to him. He didn't have any bruising or swelling yet. I could tell the boy was not uncomfortable or in agony, only Mom. The boy would be fine. Mom, felt the boy needed to take some tylenol after the bleeding went down, which did not help. He was trying to choke down the pill but was not able to do it. Water just about came flying from his nose. Mom kept it up until it started bleeding again, and I suggested they just let it stop bleeding and let him relax.
After that we picked up some paint for Reece's room. I wanted the exact same color he had in Wisconsin. He had the hardest time with the transition here so I wanted to make sure he had some familarness with his room. (even though we did get him a new dresser and bed recently) but he LOVES them.) Now, Zeb wants his room painted 'green with a tank on the wall' (lol). That is what Reece had in the last house. Zeb went on to say "I can do the tank myself". LOL! I didn't even do the tank at the last house! That was my very talented sister, Sara!
I had 8 miles scheduled for me on Saturday, so Duner painted while I got my miles in. Mile one was ok. Miles 2 and 3 were rough, but miles 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 FLEW by! I told myself afterwords I will treat myself to a Strawberry Banana smoothie, since our Gym makes them at the front desk!
I purposely waited until the afternoon to get my miles in so I wouldn't have a lot of people on the track to deal with. I am slow, now, but okay with it. My only goal is to finish. It will be interesting with all the hills I am told are on the route of the Flying Pig. Hopefully it will warm up soon so I can get out side and get some actual hills in.
It is amazing how much time painti
ng, organizing and replacing everything back into his room took. We picked up some blinds so he now has ACTUAL window coverings and not the 'temporary' shade that he had for the past 6 months.
I also needed to recover and paint some chairs that I had. I wish I did a 'before' pic for you, but I didn't. The chairs were 'natural' stained, and the fabric I chose to replace them with had tan and black in it so I decided to paint the chairs black. Not to mention how much it hides the dirt. (lol)
Reece was all too happy to get his hands on the black spray paint, he couldn't get enough so he asked if he could write the word 'Hi' on the wall of the garage. I think I surprised him when I said 'Sure'. When he asked me to check it out, so proudly, I asked him 'Where is the smilely face?'. He quickly fixed that. : ) Now Z's asking when he can do it.
Oh, and on Sunday we posted the old washer and dryer on craigslist and within 2 hours it was sold. Yay. Duner is happy to get his parking spot back in the garage. I am happy to have the extra funds.
Next up, for the weekend... painting Brock's room and blinds... and 9 miles for me.
I think I know a way to get Zebbie a tank
: )
Oh! I found a better one!
Military Wall decal
I love ebay!
Oh, Boy!! I have to agree. That second one is pretty cool!
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