Friday, May 13, 2011


Life’s full of ‘em. Easy ones. Hard ones. Difficult ones. Pleasant ones.
We can not ‘choose’ what happens to us. We CAN choose how we react.

We gain 25 lbs.
We can decide to throw ourselves pity parties with a party of one, maybe bring another into it. But what does that help?

We lose our temper.
We can grumble about how ‘they’ deserved to get ripped apart, to try and make ourselves feel better. But does it really work?

We eat that bag of salty chips. The entire bag.
We can count each and every calorie and add up how many pounds that is going to add, but will that help you burn those calories?

We regret decisions…huge problem for me.
We can replay those events in our mind like a movie, only replacing the bad parts with those ‘woulda, coulda, or shoulda’s. How will that change the future?

We hold those grudges against people.
Because we ourselves are so PERFECT, RIGHT?

I get soooo sick of ‘pretending’ we have it all together. We are not perfect. We ALL have flaws. We all can’t be a size 2, heck, or even a single digit number! We will call each other names. Really, honestly, it is OKAY to apologize. Pride is a hard pill to swallow, but humble pie is calorie free!!

It is ok to forgive. It’s great! Wonderful! It is what we are supposed to do. But Forget? Not so much. After all, what will we learn if we forget everything.

I love every one that has come into my life in one way or another. Some are MUCH harder than others. Some, I am still trying to eat that humble pie. But, I do forgive.

I forgive that elementary school classmate that called me fat. (who turned into a hottie)
I forgive the comment from my mother telling me in not so many words to ease off the food those pants are tight. (that propelled my obsession with the scale)
I forgive my high school sweetheart for breaking my heart (but saved me in other ways)
I forgive my sister-in-law for hating me since the day we met, as she so nicely told me when she was getting a divorce from my brother in law. (I feel sorry for her, really, I do.)
I forgive my other sister-in-law for not talking to me for 18 months while she was made at me for a misunderstanding, that she would not accept my side of the story. (which taught me I can not please everyone, lesson learned)
I forgive my husband for not talking to her on my behalf, even though I begged and pleaded. (he made a mistake, he has regrets too)
I forgive my husband for calling me ‘obsessed’ when I wanted a treadmill. (to which now I say ‘heck yeah, I am obsessed!”)
I forgive my mother-in-law for talking about me behind my back. (some people have such insecurities they need to make themselves feel better in different ways)
I forgive that doctor I worked with, for chewing me up and down, for what I can not even remember. (ego’s are powerful, I try to stay away)
I forgive my employer of 10 years for firing me, without warning. (I would be stuck in a job that I didn't love, and would never moved to this beautiful state if I still was there.. with a job that I do love)

I am still working on those regrets. It is a nasty circle. I regret, then I regret that I regretted, then I regret that I was wasting so much time regretting and then back to regretting. *sigh* grrr. I am soooo sick of it.

One thing I CAN change is my future.
I can workout, I CAN eat more veggies and less sugar.
I CAN allow a FEW treats here and there.
I CAN enjoy today and my family.
I CAN realize I am wonderfully and beautifully made, by a creator who is perfect. God made me with those things that I call ‘faults’ on purpose. It is my journey.

Right now. I am very much enjoying the view.

1 comment:

Grandma Z said...

Continue to enjoy life. What's gone is gone. GrandmaZ